Tuesday, December 9

Honey Dew

Okay, I told you guys that I'd tell you how I lost my job at Honey Dew today, so I'm gonna go just that. Let's start at the begining. I went on the interview and Joe (the owner), told me he wanted me for the 11-3 shift. I told him that would be perfect, so he told me to get a work permit, and I could start as soon as I got it.

I got the permit, and started on a Monday. He had me training for two weeks, on Monday and Wednesday. Then he scheduled me to work Monday and Wednesday, for two weeks in a row. I was about to ask for more hours, when he told me, again, that he was going to give me the 11-3 shift.

The next week I was scheduled for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 11-3. That was perfect, since Friday was always my service day. It would all work perfectly. So I had that schedule for two weeks... then it was back to Monday and Wednesday..

So Then I worked Monday and Wednesday for two weeks, and on Wednesday of the last week, he asked me if I could work mornings. I told him that works too. He told me I was doing great, and that he was sure that I could handle mornings, even though they are faster.

The next week, he had me on: Monday 11-3, Tuesday 7-11, Wednesday 11-3, Thursday 7-11, Friday 7-11

Now, That's a lot of money, so my mom and I were planing on going to look at cars for me on Friday, since I'd be able to afford them at that point. I was happy.. to say the least.

Monday was great, but the second I walked in on Tuesday, one of the girls I'd be working with, instantly had attitude with me. She was being very rude to me, treating me like I was stupid, and like she was way better.

But still, Joe was fine with me. When I walked in he was like 'Oh there she is!' and he was nice.. but it didn't stay like that.

I tried being nice to the mean girl, and I tried talking to her, and I tried to maybe just smooth things over, but nothing worked. Thursday was the same way, and I was to the point where I didn't want to work those hours because she was so rude. Friday came along, and it went much better because it wasn't her I was working with.

After my shift on Friday, my Boss came in, and was unpleasent with me. He pulled me aside and basically told me it wasn't working, and that I wasn't fast enough for the job. He told me he wanted to take me out of that store, and put me into another one.. heres the thing... working 3-8 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

First of all, that wasn't my availability... secondly, I was getting compliments from customers left and right. I had someone ask for me to make her coffee because no one else makes it right.. right in front of him..

I told him my mother takes me to work, so I have to work around her job. I also told him that she doesn't get out of work until 3:30, so getting to work at 3 wouldn't be possible. He told me he may be able to get me the 11-3, and to call him.

I decided to talked to a few different people to see what I should do. I knew for a fact it was because of that girl. She always got what she wanted... and now she didn't like me, and he's moving me...

Every time she complained he stoped everything and gave her what she wanted. He locks the thermistate so the girls don't jack the heat up. She told him she was cold in the morning, so he handed her the key.. she told him she thought they should do 99 cent deals.. he told her an hour later that he ordered signs for it.

So I called him and asked him what changed, because last week he said I was doing well. He said "what changed? Nothing changed, I only gave you those hours to develope your skills but clearly that didn't work. I thought we already went over this." So I'm thinking.. if you want to develope someone's skills, you don't give them MORE hours, you would change one day to mornings, and give them a few weeks.

So I said, "okay, well I agree that the mornings were hard for me, but I know I was doing well 11-3, and I know you saw that. I'd like to keep that shift" he goes "well that's just bad for business".

So I realized he wasn't changing his mind, so I told him I would take the 11-3 in his other store. He said "okay well I have to move people around, I'll call you, because I would want you to start on Monday in the other store".

Now this was all on Friday. Saturday, I got no phone calls.. same with Sunday. So at 4ish on Sunday, I called him and left a message saying that I wasn't sure what he wanted me to do, or what store he wanted me to work in on Monday, and I asked for him to call me.

Later Sunday night, I called again.. leaving another message similar to the last.. still no phone call. at 10 on Monday, I called again, saying that I wasn't going to go in because he didn't call me.

I went in at 4 on Monday, hoping to talk to him, but I needed my Check. He wasn't there, and I looked, He took me off the schedule completely.

He never called me, he never told me I didn't have a job, he just ignored my messages, and he didn't care.

Now I really don't NEED unemployment.. but if I get it, the money comes from him, and that's why I'm doing it. He is shadey, and he's a horrible business man, and what he did wasn't right.


Vince said...

actually, since your an hourly employee the money comes from the united states gov... in turn the taxpayers... so your not really getting back at him, just the taxpayers by taking unneeded unemployment.

sorry about all that though, favoritism is a pain.

Adrianna said...

First off, the money comes from him. So his business is what pays part of it.

Second, it wasn't favoritism, it was a slut doing a little more than just making coffee.

Vince said...

The business may pay part of it, but I have never heard of a donut shop firing someone after two weeks and then that person having the ability to draw unemployment form the company itself... unless its some weird workers union clause.

if you seek unemployment 99% of the time its through the government who funds all of it, part of that is funded by unemployment tax that is taken from the company every tax season.

in short, you taking unemployment is not hurting that guy one bit personally.

if you want to get him, you file a civil suit against the entire company under the grounds of this state law:

The Fair Employment Law declares that it is illegal to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religious creed, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, genetic information, military service, age, ancestry or disability

The article that is specified that you would be interested is in which it discusses "giving privileges" to anyone due to their sex, race, orientation, etc... so you may have a case there. but still that is a longshot and pretty much your only option.

but yea, learn your labor laws, they help a lot... employers take advantage of people due to their ignorance!

anyways, hope that helps Adri!

- vince

Adrianna said...

I worked there for 8 weeks, not two. If you're going to post and tell me I'm wrong, at least read what I'm saying first.

He's an independent business owner. The part he will pay, comes from him, not a company.

As far as learning labor laws go, I know the laws. You're wrong to say differently based on a few sentences I said. Laws differ state to state.

Vince said...

Ok, wow.

You seriously think that he personally is going to pay out of pocket for your unemployment?

Who told you that was going to happen? What planet do you live on?

Those laws I looked up were for mass... and I was just trying to help you out and understand how the working world really works.

Not trying to be a butt about it or anything but in the context of the usage, im not really sure it matters whether or not it was 2 weeks, 8 weeks, or a year since we were talking about workers rights... but anyway... good luck.

Adrianna said...

Not him, His business which he owns. No one else is involved so the part that comes from his business is from him.

You are being a 'butt' to sit here and argue with me over something the Employment Agency told me themselves.

Vince said...

Your employment agency told you that to get their numbers up so they can justify their office having the proper work volume to avoid getting laid off.

Adrianna said...

No, they told me they will contact the business owner, he has to approve and part of it comes from him. So stop acting like you know everything.